Consulting Highlights and Features 

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Why Fast Forward?

We believe that the investment you make in information technology is strategic to the future of your organization.  We can help you "fast forward" toward achieving your business goals and objectives more quickly and cost efficiently, because we don't have the high overhead costs that are often incurred by larger firms.
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Consulting Specialties

Our consulting division specializes in business asset protection and information technology strategies.  High value services offered to our clients include risk assessment, impact analysis, design, development, planning, and implementation of mission critical information systems. Our verticle industry experience includes Healthcare and Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Retail, Automotive, Financial Services, Oil & Gas and Public Sector consulting.    Read more

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Value for your business

The future of many companies will depend upon how well they leverage a finite pool of highly skilled and very specialized technical expertise.   Much like a futuristic novel about a world where mankind no longer knows how to fix the machines that society depends on, certain critical technical skills are just not being replicated by today's college new hires.
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Next: Predicting the Future

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Who we are

How do we become the best at what we do?  In a word, it is: Perspective.  You don't get it by sitting in the same cubicle with the same organization for decades.  Each consultant that we engage for our clients is a seasoned professional who has delivered engagements for many clients in multiple diverse industries, in both the public and private sectors.  Our people have delivered high value work for some of the largest companies in the world.  Our vertical industry experience includes Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Banking and Financial Services, Telecommunications, Energy and Utilities, Biotech and Pharmaceuticals, Federal, State, and Local Government. 
When asked why he used so many consultants so successfully to run his business, a very wise CEO once said: "We use consultants because we want the best people working for us.  The best people don't want to be employees".  Because some of the best people do not want to be employees and because success breeds more success, our people work as loyal independent contractors, able to choose the types of engagements that enable them to be most successful for our clients.  Unlike other consultancies that force their people to take assignments just to get them billable, our business model helps us avoid the need to pressure staff to increase their time sold in order to keep their jobs.  When we have people "on the beach" as they say in the trade, it is because they want and can afford to take time to enjoy the rewards that they have reaped through many years of career success.  Many of our people are seasoned executives who truly enjoy delivering value to organizations and who feel a passion to give something back to the global community in a way that only someone with many years of industry specific experience can do. 

What we do for you

Fast Forward Investments, LLC stands out from the crowd.  Unlike other firms that may only deliver strategic advice, or that only do system integration, we are capable of doing everything from initial assessment and analysis to design and strategy development to implementation and project management.   Other firms may tell you things like: "We don't get down in the weeds" or "We're not system integrators", but we do what needs to be done and we get the job done right.  Unlike some larger consultancies, we are not encumbered by arbitrary minimum deal size rules and we are not afraid to share our hourly rates with our clients.

Ever see the ocean boil?   We have, but then you need to be a fisherman to understand.  Even if something has never been done or tried before, we will figure out a way to get it done.  We can only be successful if our clients are successful and we won't quit until you are satisfied with what we deliver.

Value for your business: Flexibility

If you were going to build a house, which would you rather do?
    A. Hire an entire construction crew as full-time salaried employees and give each of them healthcare benefits and paid vacations, while you allow their work to expand in order to consume the time allotted for it? or
    B. Sign a contract to have a reliable firm build your house as quickly and as cost efficiently as possible, while meeting each and every one of your exacting specifications?
Most sane people would choose option "B".  This is the option you get for meeting your business needs when you choose our "fixed fee for deliverable" services.   With these services, you will always know what you are getting for your money and you can rest assured that we will complete the work to your satisfaction.

Experience and Expertise

While virtually every college new-hire today leaves school with the know-how to create eye-catching web pages, very few recent graduates are well-equipped to immediately understand the complexities that are endemic to seemingly antiquated, but still mission critical, enterprise systems.  Our parents were right, when they implied that the context necessary for understanding complex system architectures can only come through years of experience.  Many candidates that come with specialized technical training may not be capable of offering a complete solution for addressing your critical technology issues.  Our consulting associates bring a tremendous wealth of personal and professional experience which provides the perspective necessary to quickly and effectively identify root causes and best in class solutions to problems that occur where business and technology intersect.

The Bottom Line

In these challenging and uncertain economic times, the investments you make in information technology are even more important than ever.  Critical projects and other strategic initiatives still need to get done, all while keeping daily operations running with minimal negative impact.  These days, many employees feel like they are over-worked, over-stressed, and in constant fear of losing their jobs.  Since, in most cases, you can't call a "timeout" to daily operations in order to get important projects completed, strategic use of experienced consultants may be your best option.

With many firms charging more than $500, $600, or even $800 per hour for strategic consultants, spending $150-200K per year for a full time employee may seem like money well spent.  Unfortunately, full-time employees are often underutilized during various business and economic cycles and are often difficult to re-deploy, due to training, legal, or other issues.   Wouldn't it be nice if you had a trusted advisor that knew your business, that you could bring in only when needed, and not have to pay for unproductive time?  With our fee for deliverables based services, you can do just that.  

With Fast Forward Investments, LLC, you can have top-caliber trusted talent at your disposal without the high costs and legal or other hassles that come with maintaining full-time employees during periods of economic uncertainty.  Our associates have consulted to some of the largest companies in the world, while employed by some of the largest and most well known consultancies.  Thanks to our unique business model, you can have big firm caliber talent at rates well below what the big firms typically charge. 

If you need to get a critical information technology initiative completed quickly, done to your satisfaction, and finished within a reasonable budget, please contact us today to schedule a no-risk discussion of what we can do to help you.

© Copyright 2010 Fast Forward Investments, LLC
