Terms of Use

Fast Forward Investments, LLC (Fast Forward) provides content on this Web site (the "Site"). By accessing and using this site, you agree to be subject to the following terms and conditions (the "Terms"). These terms are subject to change at any time. These Terms were last updated on May 1, 2021. Please read our Privacy Policy for an explanation of Fast Forward's practices and policies related to the collection, use, and storage of site users' information. 

Copyrights and Trademarks
All content and functionality provided on this Site, including digital or printed media, text, graphics, audio, or video files, logos, icons, images, or other material, as well as the layout, formatting or arrangement thereof, is the exclusive property of Fast Forward Investments, LLC and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any trademarks, service marks, designs, and logos (collectively known as the "Trademarks") displayed on the Site are registered and unregistered Trademarks of Fast Forward Investments, LLC.

Use of and Access to Site Content
Fast Forward investments, LLC hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access, download, display, or print a single copy of the content displayed on the Site (the "Content") on any single computer solely for your internal, business use, provided that you do not modify the Content in any way and that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices displayed on the Content. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, transmit, post, or otherwise disclose the Site Content without Fast Forward's prior written consent.  You may request permission for reproduction of our web site content by writing to: Legal Department, Fast Forward Investments, LLC, 1119 S. Mission Road #344, Fallbrook, CA 92028.

Waiver of Site User Rights
By accessing this site, you understand and agree that Fast Forward Investments, LLC shall own and have the unrestricted right to use, publish, and otherwise exploit any and all information that you post, upload, transfer, or otherwise post or publish on the Site, and you hereby waive any claims against Fast Forward Investments, LLC for any alleged or actual infringements of any rights of privacy or publicity, rights of ownership, or rights of attribution in connection with Fast Forward's use and publication of such material. You covenant that you shall not post or otherwise publish on the Site any materials that are morally offensive, derogatory, threatening, hateful, libelous, defamatory, obscene or that would cause harm to human life or property or that would constitute or encourage criminal conduct, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate applicable laws.  You further agree that you will not infringe upon intellectual property, privacy, or other applicable third party rights or deliberately transmit or upload files containing computer viruses or other destructive elements. Fast Forward reserves the right to refuse to post and the right to remove any information, in whole or in part, for any reason or for no reason.

Information displayed on this site is provided "as is," and without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.  Fast Forward Investments, LLC makes no warranties regarding the ownership, quality, or accuracy of the site content. Fast Forward is not liable for any information published on linked web sites or provided by third parties. Neither Fast Forward nor its third-party content providers shall be liable for any damages of any kind.

Third-Party Web Sites
In the likely event that we should provide links to third-party Web sites, or other third-party content, Fast Forward Investments, LLC assumes no responsibility for said third-party content. Such content is governed by Terms of Use and/or privacy policies, if any, of the applicable third-party content providers.

Governing Law; Jurisdiction
These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of California without reference to the principles of conflicts of laws thereof.

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